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Dr Manuel Baruzzi is a Medical Doctor practicing in the field of Advanced Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal Medicine and Healing, Chiropractic, and Psicho-Somatic interactions.
His academic, as well as professional, journey followed his strong interest in the study and treatment of PAIN in its multidimensional nature and the promotion of WELLBEING.
Specifically, he dedicated his first years of medical practice to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the mechanical-functional pathologies of the spine and the neuro-musculo-skeletal system
(low back pain, sciatica, neck pain, headache, joint pain and dysfunction, postural imbalance, chronic pain, easy fatigue, etc.).
In the latest years he integrated his experience with studies and practices of several mind-body healing techniques, in light of the deep connection between the physical and the psychological spheres. Through 20 years of personal and professional practice, he has elaborated and refined a powerful technique of mind-body SELF RELEASE , called THE WAVE OF LIFE.
He is based in Mauritius: Grand Baie, The Vale and Moka, St. Pierre, areas.
Dr Baruzzi offers also on-line consultations and guided treatments worldwide
Nature expresses itself in our body with infinite wisdom, nothing is left to chance.
Every phenomenon is linked to each other by cause-effect relationships, in a logic of fascinating precision
The doctor who is aware of this will treasure every clue
As Nature speaks through its symptoms, when correctly interpreted they will lead us to the root causes of dis-ease, and so to a real cure
”To find health should be the object of the physician.
Anyone can find disease” (A. T. Still)
Only health can restore health, and is much more than absence of symptoms
We necessarily need to have a source of health within in order to be alive, as health can not be imposed or acquired from outside
Having access to our INNER SOURCE of HEALTH means having access to our inner source of FREEDOM
Dr Manuel Baruzzi has developed a unique method, the ADVANCED Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal HEALING, a powerful synthesis and selection of the most innovative and effective non-surgical therapeutic techniques, offering a highly personalized and specific approach for the treatment of the most common and unpleasant conditions affecting, or expressing through, the Neuro-Muscular-Skeletal System
The Self Release Method, The WAVE of LIFE, is an easy to learn and powerful way of releasing our psyco-somatic blocks through accessing and empowering our inner source of health and energy.
In other words, it is probably THE MOST POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE WAY of addressing the most common causes of our aches and pains, as well as our psycho-emotional issues.
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